Kalendārs 2011.gadam ar bildēm no Latvijas - Calendar for 2011

Skaistākās fotogrāfijas, ko skolas ģimenes uzņēmušas Latvijā būs apkopotas kalendārā 2011. gadam

Sienas kalendārs - A3 formāta, ar spirāli vidū, ar vārda dienām.

Visa ienākumi no kalendāra pārdošanas tiks ziedoti Adelaides Latviešu skolai

Viena kalendāra cena - 25 AUD, ja jūs pasūtat tieši caur Vizmu Boag.

Ja jūs maksājat ar Paypal vai kredītkarti, tad viena kalendāra cena ir 26 AUD.

Kalendārus izsūtīs pēc 1.decembra uz to adresi, kura ir norādīta Paypal vai kredītkartes maksājumā vai pasūtījuma formā.

The most beautiful pictures that school families have brought from the Latvia will be published in the wall calendar of 2011. Price for one - 25 AUD, if you pay cash to Vizma Boag. You can pay by credit card or paypal by pressing button Donate, then price of the one calendar is 26 AUD. Calendars will be posted to the address nominated on the order form or Paypal / credit card payment. All funds raised will go towards Adelaide Latvian School.

Upload Order Form below

Please note : If you are getting an error message ie ‘Fatal Failure’or a message requesting to check your email with paypal. You will need to change your settings to allow your computer to access the PayPal page that relates to the payment for the calendar. This can be simply done by following these steps.

1. Click on TOOLS when in Windows Internet Explorer


3. Click on PRIVACY

4. Click on SITES

5. Add paypal.com into ADDRESS OF WESITE then click ALLOW and OK

6. Click APPLY then OK.

These changes should allow you to continue with your credit card payment.