Compliance with Ethnic School Board requirements 2013
In order for an Ethnic school to be accredited in South Australia by the Ethnic School Board it shall provide the following documents and evidence.
The Following list is based on the document Ethnic School Board Requirements for Registration (including Ongoing) and related documents
- A Certificate of Incorporation
- Constitution of the incorporate body
- Fully compled and signed enrolment form for each student. Refer to ESB template here. Latvian School of Adelaide has extended ESB Enrolment Form template - refer here
- School shall maintain a roll book for each class (roll books are to be provided by ESB each year)
- School shall be affiliated with the Ethnic School Association of South Australia
- School shall obtain public liability insurance (to be obtained through Ethnic School Association of SA)
- All school personnel and school board members shall comply with any and all ESB requirements. Please refer to the details here
- The school shall maintain full student attendance, staff and financial records.
- School must have following policies and documents
- Written Emergency evacuation plan with diagram - currently each classroom has them located next to the door and in the red emergency folder in the staff room.
- Before, After and during school Supervision policy
- Student behaviour management policy
- Child Safe Environment compliance statement - template (must be lodged by the end of 2013) Lodged statement (online, Dec 29, 2013)
- Work cover for teachers (currently not required persuant to the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act as they are volunteers).
- A Teaching program - refer to page "Mācību Programma"